How to avoid food wastage
It is estimated that only 50% of food produced would be used by us.The wastage of food and other materials causes stress from farmers to end users.Farmers have to produce more in the same land.Consumers have to buy it at higher price.
First let us know the different stages where food is being wasted.
1.Pre- harvest
3.. Bulk selling
6. Selling
Pre- harvest: In this stage the food is not produced because of the natural calamities like drought and cyclones, heavy rains and speed winds. Except the drought nothing is controllable by human being.
In olden days, I observed that air used to be controlled by growing bigger trees like Neem, Vippa, etc.Ietc.In the next layer some land was allowed to be kept unused, so as to grow the grass to hinder the blowing air.
There was system of tanks and open wells to cater the needs of water even in case of droughts. But, now the similar systems are less or absent in some areas.
Harvesting time: In case of rains at the time of harvesting, people have to Loose Everything. There should be a system to avoid such situations. Adequate tarpaulins to avoid wetting of harvest. Also, structures should be provided to store the grains.
Bulk selling & transportation : It requires the transportation to different place. There used to be loss of food grains,if they are not packed properly. There usedto be loss in case of rains and accidents. Some fruits and vegetables used to be damaged during the transportation. This easily decomposes them and spoiles in short time. I observed it in the apples imported from shimla.
Mediators : At this stage also food is wasted, when the sekler try to upkeep for more period . especially, it happens in case of perishable goods like onion, potato,etc.
Sellers : most of the wastage use to take place here due to mishandling , delay in selling ,etc. The solution for avoiding the wastage is to supply farm fresh fruits and vegetables directly to the consumer.
Cooking: During this process, if the person cutting the fruits and vegetables may waste it. Also, if the cook is not efficient, he/she may over heat and waste the food.
Eating : Most of the wastage occure in this category also. Most of the people greedly keep food in their plate and leave it, when they don't like the taste. This happens in case of the non vegetarian food and during the dinners.
Awareness should be brought to serve the sample and serve the required quantity. I have seen a hotel serving in such way and saving alot of food. Municipal Administration department of Government of Telangana has taken up a unique awareness program among owners of function halls not to waste the food. Food is God , as per the Hindhu scriptures.Hence, it shouldn't be wasted. The awareness generation only stops the wastage of food.
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